Paranormal - ESP


SoWhatCouldItBe - Electronic Harassment - Havana Syndrome





Welcome to SoWhatCouldItBe -> OBEoneC!

We have been complaining of such Havana Syndrome type Electronic Harassment
for Decades now! >> -- --


Paranormal - ESP

Telepathy - ESP
Article Count: 1

Telepathy, from tele- far and pathein- to experience, is the psychic ability to communicate mind to mind. This can include feelings, ideas, thoughts, sensations and images.

Remote Viewing
Article Count: 3

Remote Viewing or “RV” is a skill that trains the unconscious mind to obtaining data about any person, place, thing and event in the past present or future.  Remote Viewing was developed by the CIA and the United States military by studying how the human mind obtains data on an unconscious level.

Electronic Voice Phenomenon or, more widely known as E.V.P., what is it?  E.V.P. is simply the ability to record voices of the dead on audiotape. 


The Government Harassment website has been around for a while.  It covers the issues associated with Electronic Harassment.  Due to the recent acknowledgment of the "Mysterious" Havana Syndrome, it provides some degree of Vindication and Solace for us thousands of TI's who have been complaining of such issues for decades now.